Our Services

Sewell Financial Solutions offers a wide variety of finance management solutions. Scroll through our extensive offerings.

Accounts payable/receivable becomes profits/efficiency.

General Accounting

Accounting is a wide field. Let us cover all of it.


Payroll is often complicated. We can simplify it.

Tax Preparation

Pay as little and save as much as you can.

Beyond the Numbers

Our expertise...


Bookkeeping is a headache. Accounts payable and accounts receivable, double entry, various software options, these terms make anyone dizzy. Not us. We’re at home with all the terms, tools and methods that can take your bookkeeping headaches and turn them into bookkeeping efficiencies.

Tax Preparation

It’s enough to strike fear into anyone’s heart, but tax preparation doesn’t have to be something to dread. Our expertise at work for you puts us in a position to offer you the most deductions, the biggest returns while also paying the smallest tax bills.


As the largest expense on almost any company’s budget, payroll requires close attention, dependable pay schedules and balanced payroll accounts. Let us show you how we can help overcome your payroll hurdles.

General Accounting

The list of accounting services at Sewell Financial Solutions is not confined to any one category. We cover accounts payable and receivable, auditing, advising, and a host of other accounting specialties. Let’s go beyond the numbers.